February 3rd, 2024. This is an “in person” class at Clearwater Arts Center in Concord, NC through CAG (Cabarrus Art Guild). There will be instruction on creating texture using unique fabrics and trims to create this little house atop a hill. Many hand embroidery stitches will be covered. The kit will be an additional price during class and will include the pattern (Pattern without kit will be $15.) CAG members will receive a discount on kit in class. Kit will include: Pattern, Background fabric, Textural fabrics, Velvet for flower, Charm, House fabric, Batting, Needles, Ribbon. Pearl Cotton Embroidery thread will NOT be included in the kit, but available to purchase during class. Kit for Non-Members is $30. Pearl Cotton Threads will not be included in the kit. Supplies you’ll need to bring for class: Threads (if you have them), Small Scissors, Pins, Embroidery Book (if you have one), and any other tiny things you might want to sew on your tiny quilt! There will be threads, fabrics, and books available to purchase during class.